Newcastle Family History Society
Back to Basics Course
WHEN Saturday 27 April
TIME 2pm-4pm
COST Free Event
CONTACT Bookings Essential 4957 8296
Lambton Mechanics Institute, 68 Elder Street,Lambton
How to begin family history research; resources available locally and elsewhere; breaking down brick walls; organising your material. All library resources are available; printed publications, microfilm indexes, CD collection, extensive card indexes, internet access, members on duty to help with enquiries.
Open Day. WHEN Saturday 4 May
TIME 9am-3:30pm
COST Free Event
CONTACT 4957 8296
Lambton Mechanics Institute, 68 Elder Street Lambton
Sunday 28 April 2 pm Lost Newcastle : guided walk around some of Newcastle's lost milestones. Meet at former Palais site (KFC) Cost $10 enquiries : 49 61 1063 or 044 761 1066
Sunday 5 May 2 pm King Edward Park : Heritage Park, a Community Milestone. Meet at former Bowling Club site. Cost $10 enquiries : 49 61 1063 or 044 761 1066
Saturday 11 May 7 pm : Wine, Art and Community Milestones. Inner City Winemakers, 28 Church Street , Wickham . Cost $40. Numbers limited . Booking essential. Phone 0438522734
Friday 17 May James Fletcher site: Millstone or Milestone? Tour site followed by lunch at Monets 11am $35 Enquiries: or 0438509139
From Lemon Tree Passage School to a Community Centre
WHEN Saturday 18 May
TIME 10am-12noon
COST Free Event
Old School Centre, Kenneth Parade, Lemon Tree Passage
The Lemon Tree Passage Old School Centre was originally the Lemon Tree Passage School
established in 1954, it was the first provisional school for Tanilba Bay, Mallabula and Lemon
Tree Passage on the Tilligerry Peninsula, Port Stephens. Take a look at the early photographs
on display and listen to a talk about the history of the school and how the community set about
to re-use the buildings as a Community Centre in 1984. Morning Tea supplied an opportunity
to meet and greet some former teachers and pupils.
Sunday 19 May 2 pm : Renewing Community Milestones . Meet at Bacchus Restaurant, 141 King Street, Newcastle Cost $10 enquiries : 49 61 1063 or 044 761 1066
Celebrating Trains and Trams in Maitland
WHEN Saturday 18 May-Sunday 19 May
TIME Sat 2-5pm, Sun 10-3pm
COST Walk $15, Display $20
NT member: Walk $10, Display $15
CONTACT 4933 6452
Amid great excitement and celebration in 1857 the great Northern Railway was extended to East
Maitland, & to West Maitland in 1858. A steam tram began operating between West Maitland
East Maitland. We celebrate these community milestones on 18 & 19 May with two events. On
Saturday 18 May a heritage walk from Maitland Railway station to Brough House commencing
at 2pm ($15/$10NT) will include afternoon tea. On Sunday 19 May (10am-3pm) rail and tram in
Maitland will be celebrated by talks, displays, fashion and visual presentations $20 (includes
a morning tea and lunch).
Remembering the State Dockyard: an Oral History
WHEN Saturday 20 & Saturday 27 April
TIME 2pm-4pm
COST Free Event
CONTACT Deb Mastello 4929 2588
The Maritime Centre Newcastle, 3 Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle.
When the NSW State Dockyard closed in 1987, a community that worked, lived and
socialised together had to move on. We want to remember those times, those relationships and
those community events that bought everyone together. We will be conducting two afternoon
sessions with those who have memories of the State Dockyard to share and record for future
For further events see