Saturday 2 April 6.30-9pm
Stories from Coquun (Newcastle) Wollotuka Institute, University of Newcastle Aboriginal students from the Institute will tell their stories and what inspired them to work in their chosen area of research. Music, art, bush tucker and the award-winning building, Birabahn, in its bushland setting, will make this a memorable night.
Donations towards the Jack Doherty Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Scholarship. Bookings and enquiries: 0447611066
Saturday 2 April 9am-12 midday
East Maitland Kiwanis Club and the Coal River Working Party
The Amazing Race
The race involves teams solving clues leading to a variety of heritage sites around Newcastle. Fund raiser for non-government mental health services and the Vera Deacon Regional History Fund.
$45 per team of 4. www.stickytickets.com.au/5084 or details newcastlerace@yahoo.com
Tuesday 5 April 10 am -12
Stockton Heritage Walk: Convicts, Pirates, Shipwrecks and Disasters Hear the amazing stories from the Stockton Historical Society members of Pirates’ Point, Shipwreck Walk, the memorials to miners lost in the 1893 disaster and more Meet at Stockton Wharf 10.10 am (Ferry leaves Newcastle Wharf at 10 am). Cost :$5
Thursday 7 April 9.30-11.30am
The Amazing Military Barracks Walk
James Fletcher Hospital, Watt Street Newcastle.Tour the historic military barracks (1843), recently
nominated for the State Heritage Register. Hear stories of the buildings and people associated with this historic place for the past 140 years.Meet at the main gates at Watt Street. Donations welcome. Booking essential 0438509139
Saturday 8 – 24 April
John Paynter Gallery, the Lock-Up, 90 Hunter Street, Newcastle (near the historic Post Office) Amazing Stories Art Exhibition
Exhibition opening Friday 8 April at 6.30pm
An exhibition by local artists invited to interpret ‘Amazing Stories’ of Newcastle and the Hunter in a variety of media. The exhibition is a fundraiser for non-government mental health services in the Hunter.
Enquiries 0438509139.
Saturday 9 April 10.30am-11.30am
Newcastle Family History Society Inc
‘Back to Basics’ Course
Saturday 16 April 9am-4pm
Open Day
Lambton Mechanics Institute, 68 Elder St.
Free: Bookings 49573276 or 49578296.
Saturday 9 April 11 am – 1 pm
Merewether Land care Beach Walk
Explore Merewether's natural and social heritage with enthusiastic volunteers from Merewether Landcare who are are transforming the formerly weed-infested beach. A short walk, but sturdy shoes, hat, sun block and water needed. Meet at Robinson Reserve car park (bound by Robinson Street and Scenic Drive/Frederick Street) Donations welcome. Further information 0447611066.
Saturday 9 April 7pm
Friends of the Regal
The Cinema that Refused to die
Join Friends of the Regal for an evening of pictures, words, film and music to celebrate the Regal
Jesmond Neighbourhood Centre, 44 Mordue Pde. By Donation. Enquiries 49511611.
Sunday 10 April 1.30 – 4pm
Saving ‘Catho:’ Background, discussion and walk
Catherine Hill Bay Surf Club
Catherine Hill Bay has recently been placed on the State Heritage Register.Hear from Heritage architect and Catherine Hill Bay expert, Jennifer Hill and Progress Association President Sue Whyte and “Catho” residents of the struggle to save Catherine Hill Bay from overdevelopment. Donations welcome. Enquiries 0447611066
Wednesday 13 April 7- 9 pm
Forum “About the Valley”
Newcastle City Hall, Hunter Room. Newcastle City Hall, Hunter Room. Hunter Valley writers who have contributed to three splendid volumes of Writings from the Hunter, Beneath the Valley, Through the Valley and People of the Valley, published by local Catchfire Press will tell the stories of some of the amazing people and places in the Hunter Valley. Cost $10. Refreshments included. Bookings essential : 49 275135 or turnbullpa@bigpond.com
Thursday 14 April 9am 12noon
Raymond Terrace Historical Society Amazing Stories of the Twin Rivers
A morning of history through oral stories, verse, photography and song. Morning tea. Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens Building, Irrawang St. Cost $10. Enquiries 49871036.
Friday 15 April 2pm-3.30pm
Port Stephens Historical Society Talk :”How the Bay was settled “ Gold coin donation. Bookings 49812840.
Sunday 17 April 3.30pm-5.30pm.
Amazing Harbour Cruise : Fully booked.
Boat departs from Lee Wharf Pontoon, 5 Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle.
Sat-Sun 23-24 April 9am-5pm
Lake Macquarie & District Historical Society Inc. Toronto Railway Station Centenary Exhibition at Toronto Railway Heritage Precinct, off Victory Pde. Free. Enquiries 49594638.
Sun 9 and 10 April 11-4pm
Miss Porter’s House Open Days View an amazing Edwardian house and its collection of furnishings, furniture, clothes and household goods from across the C20, left by the Porter sisters to the National Trust. $7 adults $5 concessions. Free to National Trust members. 434 King Street, Newcastle West, between Steel and Union Streets.
Fri-Sun Tomago House 421 Tomago Road, Tomago
8. 9, 10 April 10 am – 4pm
Amazing Quilt Exhibition
Beautiful display of quilts by six Hunter Valley quilting groups at this gracious C19 National Trust property. Refreshments and stalls with collectables, jewellery and crafts.
$6 adults $5 concessions. Enquiries 49593016 or 49301471
Grossmann and Brough Houses, High Street Maitland
Fri 1, Sat 2, Sun 3 April 10 am-3 pm
The Maitland Collection: exhibition of works by local artist, Holly McNamee
Sunday 17 April 10am- 3 pm
See Grossmann House’s entire State Significant textile collection exhibited for the first time, with furniture & treasures from Old Government House & other National Trust properties
Refreshments incl lunch available Coin donation Contact 49337758 or 49336452
For other events see www.nsw.nationaltrust.org.au
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